“Bird Box” gets viewers thinking

“Bird Box” gets viewers thinking

Disclaimer: this review contains spoilers.

The post-apocalyptic, Netflix original movie, “Bird Box” released Dec 13. Since its debut, it has been referenced in memes and even inspired its own challenge.

In the film, Sandra Bullock plays Malorie, a woman who struggles with connecting to people.

The movie goes back and forth in time. It begins in the present, where the world is in an anarchic state. There appears to be no other civilization, except for Malorie and two children, who she calls “girl” and “boy.”

In the past, Malorie is pregnant. She feels she will not make a good mother because the disconnection she has with others. It is evident that the only close relationship Malorie seems to have is with her sister.

Soon, an unseen force brings about mass suicides and violence throughout the world, her connection with people becomes the least of her problems; instead, her main focus becomes survival and protecting the children.

The only people who are not affected by this entity are the mentally ill. Those who are still alive wear blindfolds over their eyes to keep them from becoming suicidal.

When watching the movie, I felt that this was the turning point. For someone who has had sight their whole life, not being able to see can put them in a state of vulnerability. Malorie starts to put her trust in other people, and is even able to confide in them enough to where she can talk about her past.

There is a great deal of emotions that I have towards “Bird Box”­— sadness, anger and confusion.

I have no shame saying that it had me on the edge of my seat, on the verge of tears and at some point, screaming in horror.

Would I wish this jumble of emotions on others?

My answer is yes. I believe it is a must-see. There is so much more to “Bird Box” than Malorie being blindfolded and having to survive in a dystopia. There are many conclusions that can be drawn from it and many different angles to look at the story. I have come to have my own theory.

I believe that the primary focus of the movie was the divide there is in society due to our abilities and our inabilities.

The majority of the people that are immune to the corrupt entity are those with mental illnesses. However, they were not the only ones. If one paid close enough attention, they would see that while pregnant, Malorie witnesses a lot of suicides and yet she was not affected. Also, if they watched until the end, they would find that the blind are practically the only people still alive.

Society handicaps these three groups lot more than we realize.

Many people have this fallacy that pregnant women need to be waited on hand and foot. Or, that the blind need an unspoken assistance getting places. It was almost as if the roles were reversed. The mentally ill had held high reign over everyone else and the blind were the ones saving them.

Still, this movie was very hard on the eyes. There were a lot of deaths and self-harm, which can be triggering for some people to watch. With all of this in mind, I give this movie 4 stars out of 5.