More fiber in diet linked to longer life

According to a recent government study, Americans are more likely to live longer when they consume larger amounts of dietary fiber.

The government study showed a link between high-fiber diets and fewer deaths from heart disease, infectious diseases and respiratory diseases as well.

The study also showed that, in men, cancers related to the diet decreased in the subjects with a high-fiber diet.

Also according to the study, the main two things that fiber helps with are diabetes and heart disease. The study claims that fiber helps with cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

On top of the health benefits, the higher fiber diets increased the length of life by up to nine years, the study said. The study linked all of the body’s systemic relationships to the length of life and fiber intake.

“Fiber helps to carry things out of the body,” Peggy Bergeron, a nurse at UNA’s Health and Wellness Center, said.

“The best way to get fiber is eat a wide variety of foods,” Bergeron said.

Bergeron suggested that students eat foods with a variety of colors to ensure they are eating a well-balanced diet.

Bergeron explained that by eating a variety of foods students are more likely to be getting other nutrients their bodies need to be healthy.

According to Bergeron, dietary fiber improves your bowel functions and keeps you regular. She also said that people who are attempting to lose weight should increase their fiber safely, because fiber helps propel weight loss. Bergeron added that whole grains are great for the body.

“Fiber makes you feel full,” Bergeron said.

Bergeron said that fiber not only keeps people regular, but it also prevents and relieves constipation.

“I encourage people to increase their water intake and fiber together,” Bergeron said. “Fiber should be consumed in moderation and according to the daily percent specified.”

Bergeron strongly warned people who wish to increase their fiber to do so in strict moderation with a large amount of water. Bergeron added that water softens the stool so that the fiber doesn’t block up the colon.

According to Bergeron, there are two types of dietary fiber. Soluble fiber can be dissolved in water, which is the reason Bergeron suggests the increased water intake.

Insoluble fiber is the form of dietary fiber that cannot be dissolved in water.

Bergeron said that many fiber supplements and fiber bars can really upset the stomach if not used in moderation.

” I cannot eat fiber in big amounts because it doesn’t make me feel good,” UNA junior Elizabeth Loggins said.

Loggins said that fiber supplements and bars make her really sick and do more harm than good. She said that she loves to eat fruit, but the high amounts of fiber in fruits make her ill.

“I still eat fiber, just not a lot of it,” Loggins said.

For more information on dietary fiber, visit or visit your local healthcare provider.