Kappa Sigma helps less fortunate in Shoals area

Kappa Sigma fraternity reached out to help the community through Trinity Episcopal Church March 6-7 from 5 p.m. to 6 a.m. to serve food and spend time with the needy.

Trinity Episcopal Church in downtown Florence started a program, “Room at the Inn,” to feed and provide shelter for the less fortunate every Monday throughout the cooler months.

Sophomore Blake Polson said Kappa Sigma joined their team about a month ago to help assist the church in its effort.

Junior Zach Armstrong said Kappa Sigma is excited for this new event.

“We’re trying to make this event a regular thing,” Armstrong said. “We’re just trying to find new places and new philanthropy events for our fraternity to do, and this event seemed really interesting. We’re just happy to help and here to serve.”

The brothers help the church by socializing with the guests, helping set up, cleaning up and ensuring every guest feels comfortable.

Kappa Sigma had 15 brothers volunteer to work different shifts from start to finish. By the end of the event, the volunteers helped serve 11 people from the Florence community.

Sophomore Casey Borden was responsible for organizing the Kappa Sigma partnership with Trinity Episcopal Church, he said.

“It’s been an honor to work with Trinity Episcopal Church,” Borden said. “The true ‘thank you’ goes to them for organizing this event for the less fortunate, and I thank them for giving my brothers and I at Kappa Sigma the opportunity to just give a little back to the people less fortunate than ourselves.

“Great things are being done at Trinity Episcopal Church, and I highly recommend getting involved with this event. It is truly a heartwarming experience and has helped us realize just how blessed we are.”