SGA: Transparency stride produced no student feedback

SGA Senators approved eliminating part of their code of laws that was originally intended to increase transparency at their Oct. 23 meeting.

Chapter 206.5 required Senate to post a copy of bills that spend money at least 48 hours before the weekly meetings, which are Thursdays at 3:30 p.m.

“I have pride, but I will admit when I am wrong,” said Treasurer Adam McCollum who introduced the legislation to require greater transparency in March. “This has slowed down the process, and students don’t use it. It may sound great, but it’s not worth it.”

McCollum said he has not received any feedback from students before a bill was voted on this year.

Budget Oversight Committee Chairman Jordan Graham said students are kept up-to-date on SGA’s expenditures through The Flor-Ala, as any spending is included online and in print.

President KeKoria Greer said senators seek student opinion on all legislation they write, so student voices are being heard.