SGA president encourages involvement

The Student Government Association would like to welcome you to the University of North Alabama! We are all excited to have you here as a student of this wonderful university. As the President of SGA, I encourage you to become aware of all of the organizations and programs available to you as a student. Although SGA would love to have you as a student representative, we encourage any form of leadership and involvement to ensure that you become a true asset to the university.

A branch of SGA that is very prestigious to become involved in is Freshman Forum. This group is made up of 40 freshmen who represent the freshman class and fulfill the needs and desires of the students of this campus. In order to become a member of this organization, you should follow updates on your UNA portal email. Applications will become available once school begins. Our other branches are Senate, University Program Council (UPC) and Judicial. All are made up of students just like you who want to help develop this campus and provide for their fellow students.

This new chapter in your life will be exciting and trying all at once. College can be simply a degree if one does not become involved. I was extremely involved in high school and wished to focus on my studies when I entered college. I met a group of upperclassmen my first day who encouraged me to become involved. I took their advice and have built upon that encouragement to become a part of this campus. I am extremely involved in SGA, but I am also involved in organizations within the College of Business and outdoor activities. You can also find different groups that interest you that would love to have you as a member. Check out your Orgsync account you will make at SOAR to view all of our organizations on campus!

Becoming involved in extracurricular activities is wonderful and desired by future employers, but you must remember that the first item looked at on a resume is your GPA. Having a high GPA will allow you to get your foot in the door for an interview, and your real life experiences obtained from other activities will get you the job. Honor societies are great ways to become involved outside of class and feel rewarded for high achievement by teachers and fellow students. Become involved in your studies and stay active in your interests. This will guarantee your success in college and in your future career choice.

Do not let others discourage you from achieving your own success story. There are many great opportunities to take advantage of and many great assets ready to be utilized. Grasp these opportunities and make the most of this college experience. Do not allow this journey in your life to be just a degree. Make it unique, and make yourself a part of UNA’s history.

To stay up to date on SGA and other RSO events, continue to read The Flor-Ala during your time as a student. If you have any questions or concerns during your time as a student, please contact me at [email protected]. Also, visit for more information on your Student Government Association.

Laura Giles

SGA President