UNA SGA and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. will be hosting a voter rally on Monday, Nov. 5, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., to raise awareness about voting.
UPDATE: Due to inclement weather, the 2012 voter rally will now be held in the GUC Atrium.
SGA will be hosting a voter rally Nov. 5 with Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. During their regular meeting Oct. 25, SGA Senate passed a bill allowing their organization to allocate $500 toward the purchase of food items for the rally, with any extra money left going back into the SGA fund.
The rally will be held from 3 to 6 p.m. in front of the amphitheatre and will feature guest speakers, games, prizes and more, said SGA President Will Riley.
“There’s a Facebook event for it, and currently there are about 2,600 people attending,” Riley said.
Senator Tyrie Fletcher said the rally is a way to get students engaged before the presidential election Nov. 6.
“We want to get everyone pumped up about voting,” Fletcher said. “People don’t realize this election will impact higher education.”
Fletcher said President Bill Cale will deliver the opening address, followed by Florence Mayor Mickey Haddock.
Whitney Wood, membership development director at Higher Education Partnership in Montgomery, will also speak at the rally.
Fletcher said that while the rally is aimed toward getting students engaged, it is also open to anyone in the Florence community.
“We’re going to have a DJ and tons of games, like bobbing for apples and a cakewalk, and hot cocoa and cider stands,” Fletcher said. “There are going to be lots of things for everyone. We’re trying to give it a very Fourth of July-type feel.”
Local businesses and organizations have donated gifts and prizes to be given away during the rally, Fletcher said.
Fletcher said the event is completely free to students and community members.
“We just really want people to come to the rally and get involved,” Fletcher said. “We’re trying to encourage them to bring their lawn signs and buttons and show their support for whoever they’re voting for.”
In addition to passing Bill 12-08 for the voter rally, Senate also unanimously passed Resolution 12-18, which will split commencement into two separate ceremonies.
“The commencement committee already voted on splitting the ceremony. We’re just working alongside them,” said Senate Pro-Tempore William Nash. “They would handle setting the official times for each ceremony.”
Student Recreation Center Director Jim Eubanks and Fitness Coordinator Glenda Richey will be speaking at the Nov. 1 Senate meeting in regards to Senator Julia Wimberly’s recent petition to have World of Wings removed from the SRC, said Senate Vice President Jordan Brasher.