SGA to remove DVD kiosk from campus after lack of profit
January 19, 2012
The DVD kiosk in the GUC vestibule will soon be removed, according to SGA President Ralph Akalonu.
Akalonu and former SGA President Cory Hamilton placed the kiosk on campus last summer for students to rent movies, while still staying on campus.
“I don’t know if you have probably heard, we have not been making as much money as we thought we were going to make (off of the DVD kiosk),” Akalonu said to the SGA Senate Thursday. “The vendor has asked to have his DVD kiosk away, and it is a sad story.”
Kenny Porter of Vendisk LLC, who managed the DVD kiosk, asked Akalonu and other members of SGA to remove the kiosk because he was not making enough profit.
Read The Flor-Ala next week for more details.