ATO ‘cooks’ up win at Step Show

The brothers of Alpha Tau Omega took home the awards for overall winner and overall male group this year at Step Show 2011. Additionally, the sisters of Alpha Gamma Delta took home the award for best overall women’s performance.

“I am so glad the hard work paid off,” said ATO Step Show Chairman Kyle Enloe. “(We are) so glad we could help raise money for a good cause.”

Enloe and his fellow ATO brothers went with a cooking theme for the winning performance this year, and he thought it paid off.

“I’m really proud of (my brothers), it’s been a lot of hard work.” Enloe said. “The hard work paid off though.”

UPC, the programming branch of SGA, donated a percentage of the proceeds from Tuesday night’s performance to United Way of the Shoals. In addition to the money raised from ticket sales, the groups who take part in the show also raise money for United Way. Phi Mu, the winner of the People’s Choice Award, donated more than $500 to the charity.

“I thought (the show) went really well,” said Coordinator of Programming Cheryl Mathis. “I thought that having the lights was really exciting.”

In addition to new rules, UPC added some flare to the stage this year with an upgraded light system, Mathis said.

“I think everybody was really competitive,” Mathis said. “I think they really took to heart that the judges were looking for perfection.”

SGA President Ralph Akalonu told the audience how proud he was that the UNA community comes together each year to raise money for United Way.

“We are excited for the number of student groups who help raise money for United Way,” Akalonu said.

After last year’s controversy at Step Show, members of UPC changed the rules and made sure there was in no way a conflict of interest with the judging.

“(The judges) don’t know anyone here,” Mathis said. “Our judges are from the community. They represent education, community service and have backgrounds in dancing and stepping.”

UPC made sure the judges had experience in stepping and dancing, Mathis said.