Officials announce progress of D-I move

UNA officials announced Tuesday that 12 percent of the overall money needed to meet the institution’s self-imposed goal of $500,000 by Dec. 1 has been raised. UNA spokesman Josh Woods said $60,000 has been raised to date and $300,000 has been pledged to finance the move.The official deadline to raise the money necessary for meeting the benchmark is June 1, 2012, according to officials.

“We had to push getting things started back about a month,” said Vice President for Advancement Alan Medders. “We are actually on schedule, if not ahead of schedule.”

UNA officials have set up an advisory council called the “Circle of Champions” charged with raising the money necessary for financing Division I athletics at UNA.

The 26-member council met recently and verbally committed to securing $525,000 annually, according to Woods.

Bobby Bowden will serve as honorary chair of the group, Medders said. Bowden is the father of UNA head football coach Terry Bowden, and well-known former head coach of the Florida State University Seminoles.

The advisory committee was set up by Medders and Director of Athletics Mark Linder after the board of trustees voted to transition to Division I. The board approved a resolution of intent at their June meeting to pursue the move in athletics.

Medders asked each member of the group to provide names that would contribute to the move financially. The advisory council will meet monthly to discuss the process of transitioning to Division I athletics, and what they can do financially to pay for the move.

“This is going to be an ongoing group,” Medders said. “They will be with us throughout this seven-year period.”

Each individual on the committee is responsible for raising $25,000 to help fund athletics annually, Medders said.

“They’ve given us a list of individuals that we could go and meet with them about the transition,” Medders said.

Linder is working with Medders to improve areas of Braly Stadium for donors to use. Linder has set up an “Endzone Club” for donors to the athletics department to enjoy at football games, Medders said. The athletics department plans on adding more hospitality options to donors at other sporting events as well, he said.

“Our goal (for raising $500,000) is by Dec. 1,” Medders said. “Having these dollars secured will tell the OVC that we are serious, and hopefully they will see that as a positive thing.”

The advisory council will hopefully have people stay on the council and continue to serve, Medders said.