Student uses music as outlet for expression

Jonathan Hatchett, Staff Writer

Hatchett: What is your name?

Holmes: My name is Tyler Holmes, but I am more commonly referred to as Ty.

Hatchett: What year are you? 

Holmes: This is my Junior year of college.

Hatchett: What is your age?

Holmes: I am 21 years old.

Hatchett: What is your major?

Holmes: My current goal is to obtain a bachelor’s degree in Music Education with a concentration in Choral Music.

Hatchett: Where are you from?

Holmes: I was born and raised in Decatur, Alabama.

Hatchett: Who are your biggest supporters?

Holmes: Without God, none of this could have been possible. In regards to the people that influence and support me, I owe all my thanks to my family (my Mom, Dad, brother, sister, and grandparents) and my friends. I am beyond blessed to have all these people in my life cheering me on with my passions and desires.

Hatchett: What does music mean to you?

Holmes: Music has always been my best outlet for expressing myself and my emotions. For me personally, it has helped me conquer my anxieties and fears. Beyond just artificial noise, I firmly believe that music has the ability to unite us together as people. It’s so rich and abundant that it takes a lifetime to scratch the surface of defining and identifying music.

Hatchett: How has music made an impact in your life? 

Holmes: Writing, singing, and performing music has built my character. It’s a very important factor of my life. There is just an unexplainable passion I have when I get to make an audience laugh, cry, feel, and connect with my performance. All the experiences I have had makes me wiser, kinder, and more compassionate and empathetic. Especially when I get to act or sing on stage, I open myself to a brand-new experience.

Hatchett: What instruments do you play?

Holmes: I am a proficient pianist, alto saxophonist, and vocalist. I dabble on guitar and violin; however, I honestly refer to myself as an amateur.

What inspires you to write music? 

Holmes: My inspiration can come in many forms. Sometimes, I can get a new idea for a melody by listening to other artists. At times, I will be lying in bed and a melody crosses my mind and I have to get out of bed at 3 a.m. to jot down the notes and rhythms. I love to write poetry, so most of the time my lyrics come from ideas in my journal.

Hatchett: What genre of music do you write?

Holmes: As a musician, I try my best to incorporate all forms and genres of music. I have written country songs, jazz tunes, musical numbers, gospel, classical, rock, and mixes and combinations of them all. My goal is to be a well-rounded musician that doesn’t get tied down to just any particular genre. That would be too boring for me.