Chartwells brings nation’s first Caffé Dalluci to Collier library

In the 2018 fall semester, UNA dining will provide students with a café on the ground level of Collier library. Caffé Dalluci, a U.K. based company, will open for students to use in October. The café will be the first to open in the U.S.

Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Ross Alexander said the café will have food, beverages and feature living room style seating.

“We want Collier library to be a true student engagement center. The café is a collaborative concept, which we hope makes the library the coolest and safest place on campus,” Alexander said. “Right now, there is no doubt the national focus is to consolidate student resources in campus libraries.”

Chief Financial Officer Evan Thornton said Chartwells made a $400,000 capital commitment for the café to be possible.

Chartwell’s original plan was to move Einstein Bros. Bagels into the library, but after discussion with the administration, they decided to go with another idea.

Assistant Vice President of Facilities Administration and Planning Michael Gautney said Alexander came up with the idea for Caffé Dalluci to come to UNA.

Along with the café, the university is adding three classrooms on the first floor and an information technology help desk to assist students on the ground level.

Thornton said the new classrooms will be replacing DVD’s and old books.

Interim University Librarian Derek Malone said he is excited to offer more resources and amenities to students.

“I will certainly partake in the new café, but I am really thrilled to offer students new resources to help with academic success,” Malone said. “The academic library trend is for there to be high-energy and group minded study environments available.”

With the new additions, the university hopes to increase student access to resources and safety. The plan is for the university to eventually consolidate the Student Success Center into Collier Library as well.

Alexander said student safety was definitely a component to moving more sources into the library.

“When we think about student safety, our job is to figure out how we can constantly improve it,” Alexander said. “With more resources in the library, it centralizes where students gather, and it would allow students to avoid walking across campus at night.”

Student Government President Chase Holcomb said in recent years, SGA had put in word for a coffee shop to be in the library.

“As long as it creates better student access to resources, I think it’s a great idea,” Holcomb said. “Moving something like that into the library opens up opportunities for the Guillot University Center and the commons.”