Groups across The University of North Alabama are hosting events to kick-off Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
The Center for Women’s Studies and University Health Services began the month with tables at the Guillot University Center to promote Breast Cancer Awareness.
“It’s just special in the month of October,” said Ashley Cook, Graduate Assistant with UHS. “We want to be supporters, not only in our university community, but our local community as well.”
Breast Cancer Awareness is the philanthropy of the Zeta Tau Alpha, who hosted events throughout the first week of October for the cause. ZTA begun the month with their Pink Week program, where they hosted events to raise funds and awareness for the month. From Sept. 30 through Oct. 5, the sisters of ZTA hosted events involving local businesses, as well as UNA athletics, to support their philanthropy.
Campus raises awareness for breast cancer
Trevor Mickle, News Editor
October 10, 2024
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About the Contributors

Trevor Mickle, Managing Editor
Trevor is a sophomore student from Jemison, Alabama, majoring in Mass Communication with a concentration in Journalism and Digital Media Production. Trevor is in his second year working with The Flor-Ala. He has served as a staff writer and the Arts & Entertainment Editor before becoming the Managing Editor this Spring.

Lilly Clark, Staff Photographer
Lilly is a sophomore from Killen, Alabama. She is majoring in interdisciplinary studies with a focus on art. She joined the staff last semester to fulfill her love of visual storytelling and has loved it ever since.