It seems like every Fall, I am always saved by the season. Every year something is always going on, and then out of nowhere, when I feel like everything is falling apart around me, everything becomes right.
Just last week, I had my first rough week full of college breakdowns. I felt like I needed a big, pointy hat saying “baby’s first crash out”. That week felt like the worst week of my entire life. Everywhere I turned something bad was around the corner waiting on me. My grades started to slip, I felt like I was behind in my major, and lastly, my parents got a divorce. I truly felt like I was in an episode of “Walk the Prank” and I was waiting for that one ginger kid to come out of a trash can screaming “You just walked the prank!”. But that was unfortunately not the case, so I thugged it out and made it through the week.
The next Monday comes around and I expect this week to feel like hell again, but to my surprise, I walk out of my dorm…it’s cold outside. “She’s back,” I say in my head. I pull out my phone and check the weather. It has reached the end of the excruciating heat and drowning in my own sweat. Fall is here. She always comes just when I need her. At first, it’s too good to be true, but when I go to class, I already know what my teacher is teaching us. Next class, I ate up my presentation that I barely got to practice. I go to my advising meeting and I am absolutely terrified. I get in there, and my advisor tells me I’m doing great and I’m ahead in my major. It feels like everything is fixed.
On the way back to my room, the air felt like how Christmas time felt when I was 7 years old. Fall is my Christmas. Christmas has nothing on the magical powers of Fall. I absolutely adore the fall season and I believe everything good happens in Fall. It’s like I can shed out of my skin and reveal the real me. The me that I have been missing for a while. I feel like Fall just has an aura surrounding it and once I step into it, I never want to leave. The trees are turning from green to oranges, browns, and reds, on the way to class I step into piles of crunchy leaves. I can feel the cold breeze seeping in through the small holes in my sweater. I can wear real outfits besides athletic shorts and a t-shirt and eat apples and hot coffee because they are finally back in season. And while, yes, some people like to think that this is “romanticizing” fall, but I think that that’s okay. It’s okay to romanticize things every once and a while if it’s not hurting anyone. I have grown to appreciate the little things that this season brings because, after everything, nothing is ever that serious.