With the University of North Alabama’s spring semester now underway, most students are looking to get involved in their campus and community.
Thankfully, UNA offers over a hundred organizations to join, including sports, greek life and other specialized extracurriculars.
While these opportunities are everywhere, knowing where to start looking can be hard; that’s where we come in.
The Flor-Ala publishes several previews and stories about local events and organizations to inform readers about local news. This news comes out biweekly, so keep an eye out for new issues every other Thursday.
If physical copies aren’t to your taste, the Flor-Ala also uploads exclusive online articles about more timely news. Flow, UNA’s student-run magazine, has also recently released a new volume for readers to enjoy.
When searching for clubs within your discipline, discussing them with your advisor or professors is a great way to find gateways to internships and other opportunities within the colleges around campus. Many professors at UNA serve as advisors for student organizations, supervising student decisions and managing club funds.
If students want a taste of how to manage and direct these funds while representing the student body, the Student Government Association allows students to make decisions and sit on various committees.
Greek life is also a way many students get involved around campus.
“We volunteer for things and do little activities on campus,” stated Susie Williams, a member of the Alpha Gamma Delta sorority. “ I get to participate in things like Step Sing and Game Day.”
The College Panhellenic Council or CPH is an organization that plays a role in the life of sorority sisters. The CPH ensures that sisters maintain things like GPAs, volunteering hours and social/moral standards. While also maintaining well-established interfraternity relations.
The Interfraternity Council or IFC is an organization that plays a role in brother’s fraternity life. The IFC makes certain that fraternities maintain the policies and regulations established by the North American Interfraternity Conference. IFC also promotes cooperation between fraternities.
The National Pan-Hellenic Council or NPHC is an organization that governs the Divine Nine Greek Letter Organizations. They help ease business problems within the Greek community. They also like to ensure Greek Life’s involvement in scholarships, community service and activity around campus.
Student-led clubs play a big part in how students get involved around campus. With clubs like the Fashion Association, Mexican Culture Organization and Korean Culture Club. Information about student-led clubs can be found on Campus Groups and flyers around campus.
Campus Groups is a great way for students to get involved. Whether it is looking for an event that fits a specific interest or looking for an event happening during downtime. Campus Groups advertises events happening all around campus.
UNA-affiliated social media accounts are an easy way for students to get involved and know what is happening around campus. With social media accounts that advertise clubs, events and fundraisers.
A full list of Registered Student Organizations can be found on una.edu. For more information, email [email protected].
How students can get involved on campus
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About the Contributors

Carmen Hunderman, Staff Writer
Carmen Hunderman is a freshman from Madison, Alabama. She is working towards a B.A. in mass communications with a concentration in journalism and a minor in philosophy. This is her first year on the Flor-Ala and she is a staff photographer.
Carmen hopes to capture the candids around campus.

Andrew Morris, Staff Writer
Andrew Morris is a senior from Tuscumbia, Ala. He is working towards an Interdisciplinary Studies degree with a focus on Sales and another on Communications. Andrew was a volunteer writer in Spring 2024 and now works with the Flor-Ala as a staff writer.

Savannah Keel, Staff Graphic Designer
Savannah is a sophomore from Cullman, Alabama. She is working towards a bachelor of fine arts with a concentration in digital media. She started volunteering in the fall of 2024, and is now excited to be on staff for the spring of 2025.