Sports motivate students to perform well

A common misconception is sports takes time away from working, schoolwork and other activities.

What most people do not understand is that sports teach valuable life lessons that stick with the athlete for years to come. Whether it is high school or college sports, grades drastically improve and leadership skills take shape.

I played high school baseball and football at a small school in North Alabama, and I was always told what I learned in sports would translate to life. As I have transitioned to college and more responsibility, the skills I acquired during my four years of high school sports stuck with me and allowed me to be successful.

Time management and work ethic are two examples that are most relevant. Time management becomes crucial when one plays a sport. Balancing practice, school and other activities disciplines the athlete in a strict but effective form of learning. Studying is a big part of school, so when there are extra practices, it becomes a difficult task to accomplish.

The strain of school and sports causes athletes to make better decisions. Not to mention if the grades are bad, then the athlete can not participate in the desired sport. It causes athletes to work harder so they can play, which in turn will aid a person in becoming a better student.

Time management is important to students and athletes, so when it can be practiced on both ends, the person starts to master the skill.

Another huge part is a strong work ethic from people who participate in athletics. Work ethic is a trait future employers, family and friends all look for.

Getting through grueling practices, laboring through long games and being able to go further than most people helps push a person. This improves work ethic that translates to the classroom and improves grades, ACT scores and overall performance in the classroom.

This is important not only in the classroom, but having a strong work ethic will help a person through life experiences. The hard, hot days of practice in August taught me to push forward and work hard.

Work ethic is a big part of everyday life, and sports teach  from the moment the athlete steps on the field as a child to their career ends at whichever level of sports.

These lessons taught by an activity as miniscule as sports go on to help people everywhere to push forward through life. These skills help with classroom performance, which translate to a job in the future. All of the skills learned in sports help a person throughout their entire life, and those skills can only be learned from one thing, sports.