Students guess their burgers
February 24, 2016
It’s not a surprise that the expectation is for college students to eat more fast food. Overall, statistics show Americans spend $110 billion annually on fast food, and on average, college students spend $850. But, $850 sounds harmless in a whole year, right?
Let’s pretend money isn’t an issue for a moment. After purchasing your food, do you remember what you ate? Does it all taste the same? Do hamburgers from McDonalds have a distinctive taste from those at Jack’s?
I decided to experiment with four college students eating cheeseburgers from four fast food restaurants. The participants were junior Aleigha Edwards and seniors Elana Rebholz, Josh Bowman and Hunter Nicholson.
I chose the following restaurants: Wendy’s, Jack’s, McDonald’s and Burger King.
The experiment was basically a taste test. First, I created a list of possible restaurants. Next, I blindfolded each participant and cut the cheeseburgers into fourths. Then, they ate the cheeseburgers and told me where they thought the cheeseburgers were from.
I would assume restaurants thrive on individuality regarding taste or flavor, and obviously we know specific tastes of foods, otherwise we wouldn’t have favorites.
At first, I thought the results of this assignment would be that we, as college students, tend to eat mindlessly. However, the experiment showed two out of four participants guessed 75 percent of the restaurants correctly.
Apparently, we, or at least some of us, are more attentive to what we eat.
So, even if college students are busy with many responsibilities on our plates, we tend to pay attention to our eating habits.