Senate limits Rugby Club funding
October 11, 2012
The UNA SGA Senate met Oct. 4 to discuss and settle funding matters for the UNA Rugby Club.
Rugby is a recent addition to the club sports at UNA. The club made an appeal to the budget oversight committee this September to receive funding from the student allocations fund as well as from the club sports fund, said Tyrie Fletcher, chair of the budget oversight committee.
Fletcher said he thought the existing policy clearly restricted the rugby team from drawing from the allocations fund and sent the matter to be handled by the SGA Senate.
As an appeals ward, the senate is responsible for handling such special cases and distributing the student recreation fund fairly, said SGA President Will Riley.
The club sports fund was formed last year when the funds from the $1 student recreation fee were turned over to Senate, who in turn allocated the funds to Student Recreation and Fitness.
SGA Senate Vice President Jordan Brasher said rugby is a club sport, not a registered student organization, meaning that the club is not qualified to pull from the student allocations fund.
After discussion, the Senate unanimously decided to limit the Rugby Club’s funding to only that which comes from the club sports fund.
“We didn’t want to create double dipping of any student organization,” Riley said. “We can reassess the situation if they are short on funds at the end of the year, but for now, our goal is fairness.”