VP candidates interview, hiring decision pending
September 12, 2012
University officials hosted public forums with candidates for the open vice president of university advancement position.
Officials have sought to fill the open seat for vice president of university advancement after former vice president Alan Medders announced his resignation March 5.
University officials have not yet given a specific date for the announcement of the new vice president for university advancement, said Josh Woods, director of university communications.
Daniel Hendricks, the first candidate, spoke to members of the campus and local community Aug. 24.
Hendricks proposed an advancement program beginning with the university’s mission and bringing it to alumni and donors.
“This is about the big picture at UNA,” Hendricks said. “A mission is not about something that’s written on a piece of paper, it’s about what you say and do.”
Hendricks said it is important to make alumni feel like part of the extended family at UNA.
“If we’re lucky, alumni will remember for a lifetime their love and loyalty to this institution,” Hendricks said. “Advancement works only as a derived function of the educational mission of the university.”
Hendricks is in the process of transitioning out of his most recent position as vice chancellor for advancement at Purdue University at Calumet.
Jeff Lorber, the second candidate, participated in a public forum on Sept. 4.
Lorber opened his presentation with his interest in higher education. His college orientation changed his view of education.
“Over the course of those two days at orientation, I knew I was somehow going to work in higher education one day,” Lorber said.
Lorber said while he believes in higher education and its influence on personal development of an individual, he believes a bit more in the big picture of higher education.
“I think, for me—and I’m being sincere about this—the warmth and feeling of inclusion here attracted me,” Lorber said. “There is an affinity that these individuals, students and faculty both, have for this university, and it’s almost contagious. I want to make it home for me.”
Lorber is currently the associate vice chancellor for institutional advancement at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale and executive director of development for the SIU Foundation.