Political Columnists analyze: The State of the Union Address (Conservative View)

1) Jobs and the economy were the main focus of the SOTU speech, how much confidence do you have that the Government can create new jobs and get the economy on track again?

Dodd: Well, first and foremost, the government is not the creator of jobs. Ronald Reagan once said, “Government is not the solution to the problem. Government IS the problem.” The key to job creation is government moving out of the way. Burdensome regulations and taxes on business are hindering job creation, and the best thing government can do is stop these practices and cut taxes. History proves itself true. Reagan cut taxes and brought us to full employment during his presidency. JFK saw it necessary to do this as well. This is necessary to create jobs.

2) The President spoke highly about the new “Race To The Top” education reform, how do you feel about the new education programs in this nation and also the repeal of “No Child Left Behind”?

Dodd: I have to say, NCLB is not a successful policy, and was one of Bush’s worst, in my opinion. We need to repeal this because children do not learn at the same pace. I think to improve childhood education our best bet would to be to get the teachers’ unions out of the way. They have brought much inefficiency into programs that lack accountability for teachers’ actions. Tenure needs to be repealed, for job security should not be found anywhere. We need to base things on performance levels, as opposed to years of service. This is beneficial, as recent studies of the University of Washington show.

3) With the shooting in Arizona two weeks ago, gun control is on the minds of many American. Many pundits criticized the President for not mentioning gun control in his speech, do you think he should have addressed the issue or address it at another time and place?

Dodd: I don’t think he needs to address it at all, but he will. He can’t let a good opportunity go to waste. Gun control is not the issue, nor should it be. I think what needs to be done is the opposite: ease restrictions. If you look at shootings elsewhere, had persons had the right to carry firearms, then the criminal would not have harmed as many lives as he did. If five students in the classroom at West Virginia had pistols, the criminal would have been stopped. If congressional members and staff had carried weapons, lives could have possibly been saved.

4) The President reiterated his plan to repeal DADT as well as other plans to increase the rights for the gay community. Gay rights have continuously been a main focus for President Obama, do you think that his comments at the SOTU will help or hurt the gay community?

Dodd: It will inspire his own base and get him a few political volunteers for 2012, but that is all. I think he plans to help this voting bloc, but the reality of this is impossible, especially with the new republican majorities in the House. He can promise all he wants to, but he is just giving them false hope for now.