Letter to the editor, racial slurs

Christopher Burns [email protected]

 The Flor-Ala published a piece by Ciera Golliver denouncing the use of racial slurs Sept. 11, 2017.

Before I get into why I think your article is harmful to African-Americans and should have never been published, I would like to know how much thought went into your writing and did you ever consider it to be insensitive?  How many of your African-American co-workers or friends did you consult or think about before writing this piece?

It goes without saying that your aim of attack is toward the African-American and hip-hop community for the usage of the N-word. I am still a bit befuddled on the naivety of the article as it is obvious what word you are hinting toward, because only one group of people in the United States have slavery and the Civil Rights Movement in common.

Allow me to cut to the chase now. It is not your duty to tell a group of people who have been oppressed for the majority of their time in the United States on what word they can use, let alone that word. When it was given to us, it was to humiliate and cause discomfort. Now we have claimed it thanks to artistry. I understand hip-hop can be bit a raw and being a hip-hop connoisseur, I question the art myself, but artists like J.Cole, 2pac, Sir BackHand Jonez, Kendrick Lamar, Lupe, Talib, Chuck D and last but not least Yasiin Bey (formerly known as Mos Def) have added refuge to that word. It belongs to us, and we will make the best of it like we have everything else. And as Mos Def would say, “contrary to popular, the coloreds is awoke.”

While reading your article, I was a bit disturbed with how you tried to use black oppression as a ploy to make a point. What happened to my ancestors was an immoral crime and a burden all African-Americans have to carry forever, it is not to be pawned.

 I hope we all can bridge the gap together through education and understanding. All of us are made grow.