Senate postpones bill on transfer students

Senators postpone Bill 17-12 stating that transfer students can serve on The Student Government Association.

Senator Rachel Smith purposed Bill 17-12 to amend line 101.2 of the SGA Code of Laws regarding the qualifications of being a senator on SGA.

Chapter 101.2 of “Qualifications of the Student Senate” currently reads:

“To have completed a previous semester at The University of North Alabama at the time of election with the exception of first time students appointed by the president.”

Senator Smith purposed Bill 17-12 now to be read as

“To have completed a previous semester at The University of North Alabama at the time of election with the exception of:

  • Allowing a Senate seat to be available to transfer students for every 240 transfer students that came to the University that year.
  • First time students may be appointed by the SGA President.”

Senator Smith said she believes these students should have their voices heard.

The amending of Chapter 101.2 did not pass the SGA President vote of the bill.

President Hugo Dante vetoed the bill. Dante said there were two major concerns.

“The bill implies that a spot for transfers is one hundred percent guaranteed,” Dante said. “The bill does not involve the application process. It just gives the President the authority to appoint anybody.”

Bill 17-12 could conflict with future interpretation, Dante said.

“We’re making sure our senators are paying close detail to the bills that they amend,” he said.

Senator Suzanne Berry said she votes toward this bill.

“I strongly encourage the senators to align the bill with the Code of Laws and the Constitution,” Berry said “SGA needs this bill to reach all of the students.”