Senate discusses building name, policies

SGA senators Adam McCollon, Leanne Vogel, Jensen Joiner and Nick Lang listen to discussions during their Oct. 24 meeting. One topic discussed was the denied request to name the Academic Commons Building after Larry Nelson.

SGA Senate met to discuss names for the Academic Commons Building and other potential policies and upcoming events on campus.

President William Cale declined Senate’s request to name the new Academic Commons Building after current UNA professor Larry Nelson.

“Our request was denied because typically a building is named after a person once they are not longer employed by the university,” said SGA President Laura Giles. “Since Dr. Nelson still teaches classes at UNA the building will not be named after him.” 

The senators also voted on a bill that would change the homecoming court voting process by requiring those nominated by an RSO to go through an interview process. 

If passed, students would then be able to vote for homecoming king and queen based on the top five male and female attendants the panel of faculty, staff and students.

“By passing this bill, being selected on homecoming court would be considered more prestigious because there is an interview and students would be able to choose the king and queen from five people instead of 20,” said senator Matt Jones.

Each RSO would be able to nominate one student for king and queen but those nominated would go through a selection process based on school spirit, campus involvement, leadership and academics. The top five males and females would represent the homecoming court and whoever received the most votes from students would be crowned king and queen.

“I think that by requiring an interview it will complicate the system,” said senator Rachel Gandy. “Yes there should be a change to the way the homecoming court is selected, but I don’t feel like this is the way to do it.”

21 RSOs have signed up for a free booth at the Paint it Purple First Friday on Nov. 1, Giles said.

“We want lots of participation at the Paint it Purple Friday since it is the night before Preview Day,” Giles said. “Encourage your friends to go so there will be a great turnout.”

Senate has pushed back the deadline to get signature for the Smoke Free Campus Petition. Students have until Nov. 7 to sign the petition.

Rules and Regulations Chairwoman Heather Fields is working toward integrating recycling in the dorms. They are teaming up with the Outdoor Adventure Center to help facilities change out the bins.

SGA’s Fall Carnival will be at the Amphitheatre on Thursday, Nov. 7 from 6 to 10 p.m.

SGA will be hosting a financial literacy class with Listerhill Credit Union from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Stone Lodge on Nov. 12.