Enjoy Valentine’s your way

Valentine’s Day, as we all know, is a celebration of love and of the martyred priest St. Valentine, who performed weddings against the wishes of Emperor Claudius II during the third century.

Today, Valentine’s Day means a lot of different things to many people. To some, it’s a day to enjoy candy and dinner and wine with a lover. To others, it’s a night to go out with girlfriends and pick up boys. And still, to some, it’s just a bullshit holiday that nobody cares about.

For me, Valentine’s Day is a little bit of a silly holiday.

Intellectually, I’m aware of the fact that it’s really no different than any other day (besides the candy and teddy bears and little pink cards, of course).

And yet, there’s a part of me that can’t help but love it — the part of me that’s still 14, hung up on her first love and just can’t get enough of those little pink hearts with “Call me” written on them.

Of course, you won’t see me toting around pink balloons and writing “Malisa loves youuuuu” on anyone’s car. In the end, it’s just another day — it just so happens to be a day in which people are more inclined to make sweet gestures.

As I said, people celebrate (or ignore) Valentine’s Day in different ways.

And, I think, that’s the way it should be. Because every relationship is different, and every person is different.

Chances are that you can see proof of this by looking at your friends.

When I look at my friends and their relationships, or lack thereof, I can certainly see the proof.

One of my friends has recently reconciled with a boy she’s been in love with for three years — they still drive each other crazy, but they’re happy.

Another of my friends is single, free to do as she wants, but still occasionally sees her ex.

One of my friends is dating a guy who’s just as goofy as she is, and they’re adorable together.

As for me, I’m just figuring it out one day at a time. I’m trying to work things out with a guy I’ve been off and on with since April, and it’s not the easiest thing in the world. And, honestly, I’m still not sure I know exactly what I want. Like I said, one day at a time.

What type of relationship do you have? Your friends? No matter the answer, know that whatever it is that works for you is what’s right. And, in the end, today is just another day of the year.

If you love someone, shouldn’t you want to show them that every day?

So, happy Valentine’s Day — and every other day for that matter.