Review: classes teach students to protect themselves

Staff Writer Ciera Golliver

I learned how to defend myself during the Rape Aggression Defense classes, Nov. 17 and 23 in Flowers Hall.

RAD is a two-night class UNA police organizes that focuses on educating women on how to get out of bad situations.

The class taught the best places to hit an attacker and how to get the most impact from small movements. We learned how to be more aware of our surroundings and avoid dangerous situations.

RAD also taught me the difference in sexual assault and rape. I am more aware of small precautions I can take to keep myself safe in my day-to-day life because of this class.

I admired how the instructors were aware they may have students in the class who were victims of sexual violence themselves. They went out of their way to help each student have the best chance at defending herself if she needed to.

Taking the course reminded me of an old memory. When I was a junior in high school, one of my best friends came to me crying. I held her in my arms as she recapped for me the events of her boyfriend raping her. She told me how powerless she felt in that moment, but I felt powerless too. There was nothing I could say to help her. All I could do was support.

My friend was in a very similar situation as most victims. She was a small female overpowered by a male much larger than her. She kept wondering what she could have done to prevent it.

I do not know what situations could arise, but if something were to happen, I would want to be ready.

Self-defense is interesting because even if you know every move, you still might freeze up and be unable to use them if a dangerous situation arises.

Self-defense moves are useful to know, but honestly, I do not know if I would be able to perform them if I needed to.

UNA Police plan to hold another RAD class next semester but have not chosen a date yet. I highly recommend everyone take at least one course in self-defense. If you are a small female like me interested in learning how to actively protect yourself through small things on a daily basis, RAD is a course you should definitely check out.