Jordan Brasher, Candidate for Vice President of Senate


Junior geography and political science major Jordan Brasher—the unopposed candidate for vice president of Student Government Association senate—said she has developed a platform that heavily involves students.

“My platform is based on two subjects: advocating SGA senate and actively searching for student opinion,” she said. “I want to serve the students by getting them more involved in what we do.”

After serving on the student issues committee in freshman forum, on the legislative affairs committee as a sophomore and currently as the chair of that committee, Brasher said there is sometimes a disconnect between students and their understanding of how SGA and the University Program Council function. She said she wants to address this issue as vice president.

“If students complain about us or don’t understand what we do, it means we’re not doing our job,” she said. “I want to increase awareness.”

She said she will actively seek student opinion on the issues next year.

Brasher said she is against the move to Division I.

“I think D-I was an extreme blow to student opinion because they didn’t really consider what we had to say,” she said. “I don’t think it’s a good move at the current time. We don’t yet have the resources or manpower.”