Political columnists debate: Same sex marriage

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Gay “marriage,” if there is such a thing, has been a topic of

debate for many years. California, in the past few years, rejected

Proposition 8 that would have made gay “marriage” legal. What

people fail to understand is that marriage is an institution given

to us by God, not the state. 

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This notion that the state has to put their stamp of approval on

something that is taken directly from the Bible is outright wrong.

I think the state has its proper place, and that is not to define a

religious ordinance and tell us what is right and wrong within the

religious circle. 

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I in no way endorse the practice of being gay, but if you wish to

do that in the privacy of your own home, I’m not going to stop you.

But to attempt to hijack religious terms and make something

religious out of a downright sin is blasphemous to God and there

will be punishment for this. 

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God does not ordain this, as a matter of fact, this is why he

judged Sodom and Gomorrah by the manner he did. In Romans 1:26-27

of the Bible, God says, “For this cause God gave them up unto vile

affections: for even their women did change the natural use into

that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving

the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward

another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving

in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.” These

vile affections later in this chapter are listed among murder, to

show the seriousness of this sin.

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I think God, who ordained this institution in the first place,

clearly defines what is natural and what is not. God gave us

marriage for two reasons. First, he gave man the woman so he

wouldn’t be lonely. Second, he commanded them to “Be fruitful and

multiply.” I find the second impossible for a gay couple to


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Marriage is a natural, pre-political social institution

intrinsically connected to the vital public interest in the

begetting and raising of children. “Across history and cultures,”

reports marriage scholar David Blankenhorn, “marriage’s single most

fundamental idea is that every child needs a mother and a father.

Changing marriage to accommodate same-sex couples, would nullify

this principle in culture and in law.”

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I know many at this school will likely read this and tell me to

leave my Bible at home. The fact of the matter is, people should

get used to these defenses because the “public square” will never

be naked. Plus, I am taking my arguments from the beginning of the

institution, there’s no way to escape that.