Study abroad programs broaden horizens

Senior Kaitlyn Wilson visited Paris while studying in France in 2014. She took business classes while studying abroad, she said.

Student Writer/News Editor Stephanie Preslar/Kaitlyn Davis

UNA offers several programs for students to study abroad. The programs vary in length from two weeks to a month, to a semester and longer and differ in location.

Every major is welcome to participate and take part in this unique experience, and scholarships are available to students who wish to study abroad.

Senior Kaitlyn Wilson participated in two study abroad programs, she said. She traveled to Vichy, France, for one semester in fall 2014  and Lima, Peru, for 12 days in summer 2015.

While in France, Wilson earned credit for five classes while paying regular UNA tuition, she said.

 Wilson traveled to other countries while she lived in France, she said.

“I will never forget seeing Big Ben and the London Eye or climbing to the top of Acropolis in Athens, Greece, and seeing the Parthenon, or visiting Machu Picchu, one of the wonders of the world when I was in Peru.”

Senior Dakota MacNeill also studied in France in fall 2014 and spring 2015, he said.

While there, he backpacked and visited 16 other countries, MacNeill said.

“I think the biggest misconception about studying abroad is that you have to be wealthy,” he said. “I pay my way through school, and I don’t get scholarships.”

Spending time in Tanzania in 2014 and Peru  in 2015 taught senior Chuck Chiriaco to appreciate the U.S., but studying abroad was an adventure, he said.

“It was pretty fun zip lining through the Amazon Rainforest,” Chiriaco said.

Studying in Spain and Cuba in the spring of 2014 and 2016, made senior Miracle Osborne more confident, she said.

“I also learned how capable I am of going into a foreign environment and letting go of my overly scheduled life to better enjoy each moment and roll with the inevitable punches,” she said.