Student brings first annual ACM competition to UNA

As president of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and a brother of Delta Chi fraternity, Ash Karki is an active student on campus.

Karki was born in Kathmandu, Nepal. Growing up, he attended boarding school and said that his move to the United States was not as hard as it is for most students. He has been living in the U.S. for almost six years and travels home to see his family every two years.

Even though Karki is expecting to graduate in May with a degree in computer science, he stills remains active on campus. He has previously held the social chair position in his fraternity.

While in that position he organized not only the typical fraternity events but also an international party. This party was an attempt to get international students more involved on campus.

“I think the party was a huge success,” Karki said.

The ACM is a big part of Karki’s life as well.

On Sept. 29 the first Annual ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest will be held. During the competition, the teams will answer 10 questions pertaining to computer codes. The winners will be sent to the national competition.

Several people are scheduled to speak at the competition. Ken Meninger, senior security consultant for IBM in Huntsville, will be speaking on hacking. As president of this organization, Karki had a large part in making this competition happen.

“I try to bring attention to everything I’m involved in,” Karki said.

Karki juggles his multiple activities with a part-time job at Papa John’s.

For many college students, their major is just a series of classes, but Karki said he truly has a love for his area of study.

“Computer science has a very demanding job market,” Karki said. “Undecided majors should look into this field.”